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Marital Issues

What are the root causes of marital issues ?


A large majority of marital issues stem from personality differences, beliefs and destructive thoughts and feelings that the couple may have.

In contrast to other therapy methods, the EFT solution treats each person individually and concentrate on root causes such as “Anger”, “Fears and Phobias”, “Rejections”, “Insecurity” etc… each partner in general requires 3 session only as compared to other traditional therapies.

Once each partner is completely treated, the final session will be a joint session, which is usually a confirmation of their mutual life together.

What are the most common marital issues that can be resolved by EFT ?

* Lack of trust to each other
* Bad temper within the family environment
* Uncontrollable anger or violence
* Poor relationship with the in-laws
* lack of sexual appetite
* Emotional divorce/separation
* Persistent Pertinacity
* Feeling unloved and not valued

Side effects of EFT sessions for marital issues

* Unintentional Discovery of new financial opportunities
* Constant urge for varied sexual activity with partner
* Newly discovered relationships between parents and children
* Overwhelming physical energy
* Complete disappearance of insomnia
* Relaxing and deep sleep at night
* Men often stop snoring
* Inner peace and solace
* Newly discovered levels of patience
* Freshness of skin and body and love for self
* Disappearance of physical pain such as shoulder pain, back aches, neck aches etc.


How many sessions do we need?

Each person required 3-4 sessions in isolation , plus possibly one final joint session.
In most cases, the entire process takes 1 month.

Will my partner be made aware of my sessions and issues?

It is strictly against our regulations and code of ethics to reveal personal issues to the other partner.

What is the wait time before we can start treatment?

you will have your first session within 4-5 weeks, after which your sessions will be weekly until all  sessions are completed.

Audio recording of session can be made available to you if you desire at a cost of $150 for all 7 sessions (if both partners agree).

Note: Marriage counseling sessions are conducted in the form of regular “EFT” sessions. The only difference is sessions will cleanse the mind for each of the spouses in the same period, but separately from each other. These sessions are not considered “Couple Therapy”.

Full payment for all sessions will be due at the time of booking; copy of Ms Golchin’s EFTmind eBook will be emailed to both partners to study before your sessions begin.


For information on private EFT sessions, click here

Copyright © 2013 Yasmin Golchin. All Rights Reserved.