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RaliGo VIP Mind, Soul & Body Spa

Relax And Let It Go

Call us now 818-578-8868



Unlike a physical massage where you get a temporary relief, RaliGo Mind and Soul spa digs right into the root cause of the issues in your mind that has over the years caused you pain, anxiety, stress etc.. it drags out the negative energies and pains and replaces it with joy and solace, helping you on the road to happiness.

From the moment you arrive at our center of solace, you will receive a warm welcome by our staff, who will guide you to your own private world of splendor, separating you from the physical stressful world and sanitizing your mind and soul for the next hour.

You will be presented with an amazingly refreshing and healthy beverage while you prepare for your unforgettable RaliGo journey.


RaliGo comprises of 5 steps of mind cleansing relaxation…

Nostril breath work

Proper breathing is such a profound medicine; it taps into every other system in the body. The quality of your breathing will tell you the state of your emotions, and by changing the way we breath, we can change our life.

Mindful breathing can help ease mental stress, calms the nervous system, decreasing the blood pressure and adrenaline/cortisol levels, releases physical pain.

EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

This world-famous technique is designed to reduce your emotional stress and negative energy.
While negative emotions are thought to cause blockages in the flow of energy, tapping on these points will clear up such blockages and release the negative feelings, eliminating stress from your mind and body, boosting energy levels and makes you calm and relaxed


Hand and Face meridian tapping/ massage

Hand and Face meridian tapping

Meridian tapping/massage helps to treat common everyday injuries such as migraines, insomnia, stress, and even constipation that results from poor lifestyle choices and increase healthier wellness.

You will love the next step, your feet are the center of your soul.


Foot soak

At this stage we will pamper you with an amazing Luxury foot soak with rose petals and special ingredients, a wonderful way to relax after a long day and helps to reduces your stress level, relaxes the nervous system and can Detox your body

Finale – Special stress relief and ASMR relaxation

This part of the RaliGo experience will take you places that you have never been before, inside your own soul; relaxing your mind improves your overall quality of life, improves concentration, digestion, Increases blood flow, Lowers blood pressure and helps reduce fatigue.


Our special healthy beverage menu

While you soak your pretty feet in the warm and tantalizing soak, you will select another healthy hot or cold beverage from our VIP menu; you are on vacation without leaving the room.
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You are very important to us

So, as a final treat before you leave, you will be presented with a valuable gift box with self-improvement tools to sustain your amazing feeling.


Click here to see full packages & prices

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Call us now to book your luxury retreat

Tel:  818-578-8868

By appointments only

Address:  18321 Ventura Blvd, Suite 515 (floor 5)

Tarzana, CA 91356

We speak English and Farsi

Car parking available on-site at a $5 per hour premium

(Tarzana Tower building)

There are also plenty of free off-street parking available throughout the day

(exceptions apply, please check the signs)

Open Monday-Saturday 9am to 6pm, and Sundays 10am to 3pm

COVID-19 protocol strictly followed

once you have reserved your session, visit our session terms & conditions page

RaliGo is a registered product from EFTMIND institute of Los Angeles

EFTMIND registered 2015, reg: 0002835737-0001-7