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RaliGo Mind, Soul & Body Spa

Relax And Let It Go

Call us now 818-578-8868


Welcome to RaliGo, the house of Solace

In today’s world where we are faced with different events, the continuous occurrence of stress can cause mental diseases in the first stage and eventually cause countless physical diseases for us. Clearing the mind from negative emotions can protect us from the harm of difficulties and significantly guarantee our health.

Raligo Spa uses several proven techniques to clear the stresses that cause many of your problems from the inside, strengthens your body’s energy, reduces anxiety, insomnia, and mental and physical tension, and prevents the occurrence of many disorders.



Raligo Standard

The Standard-Raligo is an effective, yet affordable entry level Raligo to start taking care of your mind and body.

1.Faster EFT to balance your mind and relieve stress
2.Hand and face meridian massage, to balance the meridian system of your body
3.Relaxation for stress with ESMR technique

for more information, please click here

RaliGo VIP mind, soul and body spa

We are revolutionizing the way we use SPAs. RaliGo allows you to pamper yourself in a luxury and relaxing atmosphere while your mind and soul are clearing from stresses, tiredness, tensions, negative emotions and enhance your well-being.  This VIP session serves you to have a break and refresh your mind, soul and body and beat stress during the 60 or 90 minutes session. Great choice for birthdays and special events.

For more information & a peak into the SPA room & your discounts please click here



